Interoperability Proves Essential to Accountable Marketing Attribution

By Erin Donohoe, Regional Vice President, Viant
Even in the best times, marketing attribution is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of campaign, channel and messaging spend. Today, in an economy struggling to stay out of a recession, there’s a growing, real-time need for marketers to track and justify their investments.
While advertising accountability may not be the hottest topic on your company’s Slack channel, it’s a proven way to impress your finance team. As you explain what it means to them, remember that the unsung hero is another “ability” word — interoperability.
What Makes Interoperability a Hot Topic This Season — and Year
Marketers need a way to simply and seamlessly unite disparate data sources and provide actionable insights.
This ability has taken on greater importance with today’s complex consumer path to purchase and, just as important, the rapid decline of third-party cookies.
As every marketer knows, cookies are a product of a bygone era when ad exposure and conversion happened on a single device. Cookies also provide little-to-no transparency for reach and frequency management in traditional ad channels as well as cookieless channels, such as CTV and Digital Audio. The result is expensive, time-consuming and, critically, inefficient attribution.
A DSP that offers clients transparent measurement within a data lake clean room rooted in interoperability, on the other hand, propels marketers into today’s media landscape. Clients can then manage reach and frequency, activate first-party customer data and attribute conversions across all media channels. An added benefit of that transparency? No more partners grading their own homework.
Further, a cookieless DSP that hosts an interoperable ID, such as Viant’s, provides real-time updates at the most granular levels to track: incrementality, foot traffic, multi-touch attribution (MTA), ROAS, etc.
Better Outcomes, Cookieless Accountable Marketing Attribution
The Viant HHID, available exclusively in our DSP, provides an anchor for marketers seeking cookieless omnichannel activation. We work with onboarded client data, over 70 third-party data direct ID connections, consumer engagement logs, and external client media logs to deliver attributable results for your finance team.
And the results are in.
For CPG, we’ve seen a 187% lift in site actions, for B2B, a 39% lift in site action, in retail, a 19.1% lift in buyer penetration. And in the entertainment and gambling space, we’ve seen a whopping 137% lift in average conversions.
Whether measuring digital metrics like site actions or offline buying indicators like penetration, marketers leveraging HHID see improved reach and frequency management leading to real-world outcomes. This is essential for the evolution of CTV. Shifting to a cookieless DSP focused on interoperability enables marketers to spend less money and time establishing attribution while still achieving more measurable results across omnichannel campaigns.
The economy may shift gears with little notice, but with a foundation of interoperability and transparency, marketers are guaranteed accountable attribution. Even your Slack channel will be impressed by that.
To learn more about Viant, go here.
Erin Donohoe is the RVP of Sales at Viant Technology and a member of Chief. In her current role at Viant, Erin is responsible for a Midwest team focused on providing high quality client experiences in everything from media planning and buying to advanced analytics inclusive of big data. Since joining Viant in 2016, Erin has built a strategic, values focused sales team that takes pride in establishing collaborative client partnerships through unwavering commitment.
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